Solutions that transform
in success cases
The new era of billing chatbots
Excellence in Digital Collection – Application of virtual assistants / chatbots and digital platforms / auto trading
The result obtained with automation via WhatsApp and other integrations cost a total of just over 60 thousand reais. To achieve the same numbers with or increase the service structure per human, the customer would spend 1.4 million reais in a year.
One of the main private banks in the country had a performance problem in its collection center. There was an imminent need to improve the ability to negotiate and recover financial liabilities. Leadership, the institution's collection provider, allied itself with Comunikime in search of a viable solution that would bring short-term results with low investment.
In the diagnosis, it was noticed that 30% of all customers served by the human already accepted the initial proposal. The challenge was to create something that could be adopted by consumers and that would drive decision and negotiation in an automated way.
Thus, a bot with artificial intelligence and automations was deployed to make the first trade with the client and eliminate human trading. Then, the Bot Over 60 was born, for trades over 60 days late.
With it, it was possible to achieve goals such as:
Decrease TMA – Average service time;
Reduce the effort of the human operator for cases of pre-defined negotiations and transfer to the human service only cases for negotiation that were not parameterized;
Improve the performance of the call center;
Increase operator productivity;
Ensure time availability, regardless of queue and absence of the operator in cases of absenteeism;
Find more customers through a channel widely used in Brazil (Whatsapp), which can be answered at the best time, according to the consumer's availability.
However, it was possible to exchange human service for 12 simultaneous negotiations made by robots and increase by 20% the billing with customers in default for more than 60 days.